Maximise your tax withholdings!

Tax consulting in Lugano

Unsere Web-Applikation wurde von Steuerspezialisten entwickelt und wird ständig weiterentwickelt. Überlassen Sie den schwierigen Teil uns und lassen Sie die Steuererklärung mit online ausfüllen.

Findea AG
Via C. Maderno 23
CH - 6900 Lugano

The sun lounge of Switzerland

Lugano - the largest city in Ticino, is the third most important financial center in Switzerland. Many important companies also have their headquarters in Lugano.

Lugano's Mediterranean flair combined with the advantages of a big city and the amenities of a small town give it a high quality of life. Lugano is also a tourist magnet.

Contact form

For requests for consultation, please fill out the following form. For all further questions, we are also available by telephone. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:00 and 13:30 to 17:00.

All messages will be answered as soon as possible within the business hours mentioned above - usually you will hear from us at the latest on the next working day.

Contact form

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